how to engage people.. thinking of moise's mom... . make this an interview paper.. how to get some one involveed... make every one the crucial one..
its really about change... civic engagement.. even the phrase sounds boring...
how to get people involved.. supply food like rose said..can someone be too fucked up to take part in their own changes?
do you know the name of your towns mayor...i don't know mine it could be argued that that person has far more influence over your life than trump.....
sum up the r crucial... how do you get others involved in change...most of us are not involved...what would it take...
paper is a blend of theory and practical..
city wants to serve to do that ..not sure that the civic engagement branding is good, maybe need a re brand...
there will be an interview component to the piece...
yes...could it be related to the paper #3 you did....
bring in models you know from other worlds....other countries, other areas of life...
mini mayor .
divide the city in smaller parts.... negotiate from a smaller platform....
have a carnival, a hall to go
children become the experts on an issue... the children entrance fee is a petition
you can always adapt idea.....from Hayward plans.... we will supply those links...
mini mayors...Haystack has areas. how to fold in ''project based learning..."
communities ....get business involved in promoting
prizes awards.....
cities usually reach out to CBO and FBO...
what would it take for you to get involved in gov
if you DO know someone in gov that with them
how to get the people to talk to each other... ---diverse neighborhoods...Berkeley story....earthquake...
verbal pressure matters...
I hate politics.. .what does your paper do about corruption...greed ....lameness...
participatory budgeting...
maybe its not about geographic neigborhoods, maybe its about common interests...
---village vs dense population...
its important to reach younger folks... to get involved.....
use stuff...--kick out the old
untapped resources...
citizen experts....--aren't just with a degree....--0
dumpster.... too much trash... not enough cans....a lotta folks complain..and wonder why it aint fixed..
the jackson triangle has issues...
crowd source the issues... you know you are from Hayward if...
some cities have a facebook media ---
the broken window theory--find this article
its a mental discipline./.. -----
how would needs get met.... --
what would it take to get me.... start with me...//how would convince yourself...
what role could business play ...
off the grid.... do a city version of that ... show up ... bring a DJ....
one offs don't work... make your plan a life style...easy to get involved... give or get info
city hall scares people.... -----what is the perception people have of gov...a place that has no interest in me...
they make it hard to see someone....
how to fix a pothole....---the old way of doing stuff isn't good enough...
a city that works for all citizens... how do I let the city know....
change how we interface with the people... how do we do this...
make a video about the that ...who is the audience for this... --cool tool....the top aint see9ing what the
Hispanic people... --the focus of a paper... could do this
workshops... how to get people therr.... find a time... do it on Skype or webinar....
---fast food drive thru gov.....
one person , no one to talk to... not very friendly... what do i do...
tough to get there....inconvenient
website....drop box...suggestion box...
screen , type your name ---social media... talk to a person... --police do it...
more involving interface.....---
app --neighborhood app----crime... issues , events... problems... create forum , ask questions.---
could this have a city link...maybe volunteer...
people like to party ... first friday...with a political angle......local and family ...
how do citizens find out about funds...
billboard.....let people know about issues....
creating jobs...--can city play a role in this....
find jobs that give back to the community....
word of mouth...berk has ambassadors....