Thursday, June 28, 2018

South Hayward Project

South Hayward Project


For this 3rd essay assignment, you have a Project Challenge. The broad challenge is that you are being asked to create something that addresses an issue or issues in South Hayward. It can be an event, or a structure, or an art piece, or a relationship, or a collaboration, or ....??
You should write this essay as if it is a proposal. Your audience for the proposal is primarily residents of South Hayward.  The City of Hayward is also an audience. Actual business/design proposals may have a number of different features: cover page, cover letter, Table of Contents, budget page, etc. You may want to include these in your proposal. 
Even though you might not use quotes in a real proposal, for this essay you will be using quotes in your body paragraphs. (They actually will probably help the persuasiveness of the proposal.)
Make the project be WOW! In other words, surprise yourself. Surprise your audience. NO idea is too weird. Your goal is to make this the coolest proposal possible.
You have a $3,000 budget, but you are encouraged as much as possible to use repurposed/reused/recycled materials. 
Each proposal question below should be answered in detail. Please don’t just give a one word or one sentence answer.      You should devote some time to talking about issue that citizens face that your proposal will help address. You should include picture and design layouts. When possible, you should for sure do Rule of 3  in answering the questions. 
  1. Please describe in detail, what exactly is your project?
  2. What need is being filled, or what problem is being addressed by your project?
  3. Who is the audience for your project?
  4. How can the City support your project?
  5. What materials will you need to do create your project? Be specific about type of materials and quantity of each.
  6. You need to have access to at least 2 community members who you will consult about this  project You will integrate them in two ways to this project: 1.) getting their opinions and ideas about this project, and 2.) seeing if they have an interest in taking part in the project. You will be integrating their opinions/quotes throughout the paper. (This is crucial.) If they don't have interest in taking part in the project that is ok, but at the very least you need to be integrating their POV into your proposal
  7. What steps will it take to complete your project? Please be very specific here about this. 
  8. What is your budget for your project? (Please be specific and detailed about what will need to be purchased, including small stuff like nails, etc.)
  9. Please include drawings, pictures, or plans for your project 
  10. Anything else you would like to add or say about your project?

The Page minimum is 10  pages.

 The paper is due Thursday, July 12. 

We will have a draft day on Tuesday, July 3rd. And we will have draft days after that...

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

3 paragraph intro

Most essays call for an introduction. We are going to offer some advice for how to do a longer intro than you might usually do. This intro is going to feature 3 paras. You have likely integrated all 3 features into an intro before, but you may have done it all in one para. We will be pushing length of your intro. There is a good reason to do this: you are writing longggg papers, so you dont want a short lil intro para at the start of a 10 page paper. Doing this 3 para intro will probably result in at least a page long intro.

the 3 parts:

1. HOOK: with the hook you get the readers' attention. You can do it lots of different ways--a quote, a stat, a story, a picture, a personal anecdote, a hypothetical question--there are lots of ways to do a hook. Here is a link to some possible hooks (there are lots of such posts on the internet--just google "hooks for essays")

2. BOOK: with Book you step back to offer a summary of the main book or prompt that is shaping the class. You should write it in your voice--dont take it off the Amazon review. If your class isnt using one book, you can offer a summary of the main concept you are discussing in class--climate change, racism, etc.

3. COOK: cook (or thesis) is super crucial. This is the para where you tell us what you are cooking up. Or think of it as a road map--you are telling the reader what your paper will be doing. This should be SPECIFIC, and you will tell us what concepts you will be discussing. It is very straight forward. "In this paper I will first be talking about 3 features that make South Hayward a suburb, and these 3 features are..."    Cook para really is for you, as much as the reader. It tells YOU what you are doing.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

first steps to get started on this essay #1...

first steps to get started on this essay #1...

1. by Friday, the 22nd, email to me a specific and detailed outline that tells us what 3 concepts you are doing for each of the 4 Questions. (12 concepts total...)

2. on Monday, the 25th, pls bring 6 paras to class. You can do any of the questions that you like, as long as yu have 6 pars... that is half the paper...

1st   Formal Investigation Essay —McFarland—Summer—2018

 For this Investigation Essay  you will be looking at the topic of social and cultural change in suburbs. We have talked in class about the fact that South Hayward is mostly organized into suburban features, but with out some of the better aspects of suburbs being present. You will be addressing the following questions: 

1.     What are some ways in which South Hayward can be considered a suburb?
2.      What are some problems that a suburb like South Hayward faces? 
3.     What  are some reasons it is relatively difficult to make positive changes in a suburb like South Hayward?
4. What are some strategies or solutions that CAN be applied to South Hayward to bring positive cultural, or social , or economic change?

In some ways, this is a Problem/Solution research paper. In order to support your points, you need to use ideas found in your research, other essays I supply, the concepts you come up with by looking at the previous work of the spring English students, and in any other info, etc. that we have access to.

 Of course you must do do Rule of 3 for each question.
You should also build your paragraphs by following this template for typical academic paragraph

You should try to include more than one quote per paragraph whenever possible. Quote length in a paper of this length should be no more than 1-2 lines. 

The essay’s page minimum is  6 full pages…(BNDJTM…) 

Paragraph topic sentences should start with concepts. Paragraph topic sentences should also feature KEYWORDS, which are taken from the questions that you will be exploring. 

Since we are using outside sources, you will need do a simple works cited page. 

For the Tuesday 1A Class: Paper is due June 28,  Draft day is June 26. (But we will be seeing drafts of your paper on Monday and Wed as well....)

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

An Art Investigation--due on thurs the 21st

An Art investigation: for this investigation, you are being asked to spend time with a sampling of the art pieces that last semester's students made as part of  "Needles in the HayStack, " the community art event that was held at the Hayward city hall.

You have about 20 pieces you are looking at--about 1/4 of the show. After you have spent time with the art, pls address this question:

What are 3 trends or concepts you see in the art? Pls write a paragraph for each trend or concept.    Pls reference specific art pieces to support your insights. (You can just describe the piece --the black explosion box, the milk carton, the garden diorama, etc....)

 For the 10 am and 1pm classes we will be looking at the art on Wed in the SIC... first come to 502 however...
This will be due on Thursday, the 21st.

2 investigations due on Wed the 20th

Pls read the Yosso article that is on this web page. ----Pick 2 of assets (cultural capital) and write about how you can see it relating to Hayward. 2 paras total

also, read the first article... it is the proposal we wrote to work with Hayward. Write 2 paras about this proposal.... exploring what you like about the proposal, what you would like to see happen, etc.

Monday, June 18, 2018

3 Investigations

hey all, we will be doing "investigations" all semester. You should do them with a lot of care and enthusiasm, and with LENGTH--don't just whip out one sentence answers. You should plan on these investigations ending up in your Hayward Portfolio. (SO, you should have clean grammar, and have LENGTH in you answers.)_

These 3 investigations are due tomorrow, and need to be typed. You should bring hard copies to class, or have a laptop to share your work in class.

1. What song comes to mind when you think of Hayward or South Hayward? Why? Try to write 1-2 paras about Why...

2. this is the link to the Maps that Chabot students created. Browse through all 4 categories. What is a trend that you see in each category? (A trend is an idea or concept that you see occurring in more than one place)

3. 101 Small things... Read through all of these ideas. What are 2-3 ideas that you really like. What do you like about them... (do a Para for each idea)

remember that all of this work will end up in your portfolio, and will be seen by the entire world.