Wednesday, April 25, 2018

HW for the Vision Plan, that is due MOnday, April 30.

this weekend is really important for your project.

on monday you will need to bring a hard copy of your revised and well organized project.

you will be answering Q's 1,2, 4, and 5.

You should do Rule of 3 (or at least 2) for each question. What that means is 2-3 paras per Q.

This weekend is also important bc you need to start doing research on the issue that you are addressing. For example, if your project is addressing high school drop outs, you need to find out what these drop out rates  are. Or if your project is about homelessness, you need to find out about the TRUTH of Hayward homelessness.

time to get busy... bring your project in on monday...

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Your Vision Plan for Tennyson--English 1A and 102

For this 3rd writing  assignment, you are being asked to design something that addresses an issue or issues in Hayward's Tennyson Corridor. (We have been talking in class a lot about issues that you all have uncovered in your interviewing.) 
You can design an event, or a structure, or an art piece, or a relationship, or a collaboration, or ....
You should write this essay as if it is a proposal. Your audience for the proposal is the City of Hayward. Actual business/design proposals have a number of different features. You should do some research and see what these features are. You should include some of these business proposal features in this proposal, in addition to answering the questions below. 
Even though you might not use quotes in a real proposal, for this essay you will be using quotes in your body paragraphs. (They actually will probably help the persuasiveness of the proposal. You can pull quotes from your interviewee(s), as well as from outside sources, and from the Hayward City materials.)   
Make the project be WOW! In other words, surprise yourself. Surprise your audience. NO idea is too weird. Your goal is to make this the coolest proposal possible.
You have a $10,000 budget, but you are encouraged as much as possible to use repurposed/reused/recycled materials. 
Each proposal question below should be answered in detail. Please don’t just give a one word or one sentence answer.   You should devote some time to talking about issue that citizens face that your proposal will help address. You should include picture and design layouts. When possible, you should for sure do Rule of 3 in answering the questions. 
  1. Please describe in detail, what exactly is your project?
  2. What need is being filled, or what problem is being addressed by your project?
  3. Where in the Corridor do you imagine your project will be situated?
  4. Who is the audience for your project?
  5. How will people interact with your project?
  6. What materials will you need to do create your project? Be specific about type of materials and quantity of each.
  7. Do you have access to community members who might want to take part in the project?
  8. What is your budget for your project? (Please be specific and detailed about what will need to be purchased, including small stuff like nails, etc.)
  9. Please include drawings, pictures, or plans for your project 
  10. Anything else you would like to add or say about your project?
Your proposal should include a cover letter, and a budget page.
The Page minimum is 10-12 pages writing. (The pics, etc. are in addition to 7  pages minimum of writing.)     

  For all the classes, the paper is due  Wednesday, May 16. The big Draft day is May 9, but we will be seeing your work along the way before that.