Tuesday, July 18, 2017

how to get a handle on stuff that is too big

hey there, some of our projects that we are coming up with are pretty BIG... that is bc you all are ambitious and give a damn about things in life... however, we don't want the big stuff to overwhelm us while we are trying to shape a response, or a create a project.....SOOOO,

here is the question:

How do we get a handle on stuff that is too big?

Here are the answers:

  1. Manage the most important section first
  2. Find the main heart of the project
  3. do the easiest parts first
  4. break it down into separate sections or steps and name them and number and color them
  5. Start from the start, and ask questions
  6. do the highest need first
  7. imagine the time line
  8. have a clear mission so you don't go off track, but don't be afraid to go off track

Taking care of your own process:

  1. set goals and that will keep you going,
  2. celebrate success along the way
  3. identify the ultimate goal
  4. keep calm keep trying
  5. seek out others who can support you
  6. laugh
  7. talk about it

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