Thursday, July 27, 2017

Final advice on your Tennyson Corridor proposals

continue to do More research--it is looking great so far
proof read like crazy--its a real doc--read each sentence out loud... hear it... don't, go, over, crazy, on, commas,
be sure to put in quotes!  (Gilligan is your friend...)
the city is your audience, but the other players might be too...keep that in mind.
add pics, graphs, stats, charts,
make it look proposalistic....
consider "justifying" the text so that text goes all the way across the page, like a book does
do a select all, then pick the appropriate menu button
consider this look... with a break out quote, or a stat that you put in a separate box..
you can do SUB headings inside your sections... (like how it looks above, but with bigger paras
send PDF to me by Wed AUg 2nd  to both emails
and place hard copy under my door also by Wed the 2nd,,,,
my office is 453Q ..upstairs in 400 building...

Thursday, July 20, 2017

HW for July 26th in English 1A

On Wed the 26th you will bring to class your draft for this proposal.

It should be as thorough and pulled together as possible, with full paras and all the sections done.

We will also be meeting with Mary at 1130 on that day, so you should come prepared with at least one question that you would like to ask her. (It can be about your proposal, about city gov, about Tennyson, etc...)

Remember, we don't have class on Mon or Tues...however, you are welcome to send your proposal via email anytime between now and next Wed if you want me to look at it...

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

features of a proposal...

For all the categories below, you really want to write lots of paras (3-4)
 if you get lost or cant say more, check out the questions on the para template blog post....

Also, you can rename these categories if you want... check out the internet for templates,

Go to attachment VII for content and quotes,

Remember to make it look pro, and add pics, charts, graphs, etc, where needed

below are proposal sections:

Cover page, with title of your project, pics, your name, your company name, make it look pro, make it colorful

Cover letter--pretty short, one page at most , very vague and general over view of project... briefly why it matters, who you are, why you want this change,
you are the one for the job, secret brag, tone is assertive but polite, grateful for the opportunity, but youre not messing around

Table of contents--- if you want... with the names of your sections

Statement of need... (Question 3), ,. this is a research paper so it is crucial you do research
what problems does your project address,
stats, surveys, interviews, personal story, failed past efforts, reasons that the problem exists, emotional appeal,

here are  great links that offer researched data about South Hayward and Hayward... see if you can also find more...

Project parameters (Questions 1, 4, 6, 7,)

project summary (with some detail), how it works, testimonials, how my project solves the issues, what the project solves, who the project serves,

Value or innovation  of the project (Questions 2)
evidence of success elsewhere, whats new and diff about what you are doing, unique value proposition, why its better, what distinguishes it , with a rule of 3
 what is the  "opportunity" this project presents (if we have this project, here is the good that will happen.

Logistics (Questions 5, 8, 9)
location, size, scale, materials, number of people served, hours of operation,

Time line / steps  of the project  (Questions 10)

for this part of the proposal, you can do it as a list or a chart of your steps, and you can put in "due dates" for the different project steps...

Budget (Questions 11)

actual costs, try to be specific about the costs, if your project has multiple parts... break them out into different budgets...
include in-kind donations of services and goods, recycled and upcycled stuff, donated stuff should be calculated, expertise and knowledge that is leveraged,

HW due on thurs--there are 2 things we are doing

Hey all, it is time to write, for this HW that is due on thurs, (the 20th) we are doing 2 things:

1. statement of need... (3, what problems does your project address, you can also flip this section into "opportunity" (if we have this project, here is the good that will happen.
stats,. this is a research paper, surveys, interviews, personal story, failed past efforts, reasons that the problem exists, emotional appeal,
try to do 3 para that lay out WHY your project needs to happen, what issues does it address....

2. Time line / steps  of the project  (Questions 10) for this part of the proposal, you can do it as a list or a chart of your steps, and you can put in "due dates" for the different project should have  a good number of steps, and you need to be specific and detailed about what it takes to make your project happen...

both of these need to be written up and brought to class ....

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

how to get a handle on stuff that is too big

hey there, some of our projects that we are coming up with are pretty BIG... that is bc you all are ambitious and give a damn about things in life... however, we don't want the big stuff to overwhelm us while we are trying to shape a response, or a create a project.....SOOOO,

here is the question:

How do we get a handle on stuff that is too big?

Here are the answers:

  1. Manage the most important section first
  2. Find the main heart of the project
  3. do the easiest parts first
  4. break it down into separate sections or steps and name them and number and color them
  5. Start from the start, and ask questions
  6. do the highest need first
  7. imagine the time line
  8. have a clear mission so you don't go off track, but don't be afraid to go off track

Taking care of your own process:

  1. set goals and that will keep you going,
  2. celebrate success along the way
  3. identify the ultimate goal
  4. keep calm keep trying
  5. seek out others who can support you
  6. laugh
  7. talk about it

HW due for Wed....

time to get specific

para overview of your project

with the details of it... specific features of it...

bring it typed ...or email to me...

Monday, July 17, 2017


For this 3rd essay assignment, you have a Design Challenge. The broad challenge is that you are being asked to design something that addresses an issue or issues in Hayward's Tennyson Corridor. It can be an event, or a structure, or an art piece, or a relationship, or a collaboration, or ....
You should write this essay as if it is a proposal. Your audience for the proposal is the City of Hayward. Actual business/design proposals have a number of different features. You should do some research and see what these features are. You should include some of these business proposal features in this proposal, in addition to answering the questions below. 
Even though you might not use quotes in a real proposal, for this essay you will be using quotes in your body paragraphs. (They actually will probably help the persuasiveness of the proposal. You can pull quotes from Gilligan, as well as from outside sources, and from the Hayward City materials.)   
Make the project be WOW! In other words, surprise yourself. Surprise your audience. NO idea is too weird. Your goal is to make this the coolest proposal possible.
You have a $10,000 budget, but you are encouraged as much as possible to use repurposed/reused/recycled materials. 
Each proposal question below should be answered in detail. Please don’t just give a one word or one sentence answer.      You should devote some time to talking about issue that citizens face that your proposal will help address. You should include picture and design layouts. When possible, you should for sure do Rule of 3  in answering the questions. 
  1. Please describe in detail, what exactly is your project?
  2. What makes your project innovative?
  3. What need is being filled, or what problem is being addressed by your project?
  4. How does your project fit in with or complement the existing Tennyson Corridor?
  5. Where in the Corridor do you imagine your project will be situated?
  6. Who is the audience for your project?
  7. How will people interact with your project?
  8. What materials will you need to do create your project? Be specific about type of materials and quantity of each.
  9. Do you have access to community members who might want to take part in the project?
  10. What steps will it take to complete your project? Please be very specific here about this. 
  11. What is your budget for your project? (Please be specific and detailed about what will need to be purchased, including small stuff like nails, etc.)
  12. Please include drawings, pictures, or plans for your project 
  13. Anything else you would like to add or say about your project?
Your proposal should include a cover letter, budget page, resume (you can invent it if you like) along with the info in the questions above.
The Page minimum is 10-12 pages writing. (The pics, etc. are in addition to 7 pages minimum of writing.)    

 The paper is due Tuesday August 2nd. You will slide the paper under my office door, 453Q (upstairs in the 400 building.) You will also be emailing me a PDF of your proposal. The big Draft day is July 27. 

Thursday, July 13, 2017

HW for English 1A project "Chabot / Hayward Collaboration"

hey all,

so this is a real and really important project. It is the last thing we will be writing/doing for the summer class, so it is crucial to really put your best effort into this project. You are being asked to generate a proposal that addresses an issue or issues in South Hayward. (Next week you will get the actual assignment, with page minimums and other guidelines...)

Over this weekend you have three things you will be doing. All of this HW needs to be brought to class next Monday

1. This link has a large number of documents for you to investigate. You should look through all of them, paying particular attention to the "Tennyson Corridor" docs. For you HW, you should write about 3 things you notice from all the Hayward docs that you find interesting,  or that can impact your project.

2. Outside research ... You need to do some internet research that uncovers at least relevant 3 essays or documents or web sites that you find interesting and that relate to your possible project.

3. You need to write up a 2-3 para Brainstorm about what is your proposal. Of course it may change, but you need to get a first start on the project. Don't be afraid to dream big, and to make it a WOW project, and to surprise yourself.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017



  1. Real threat, real bad shit
  2. official efforts.. which can include negotiasean
  3. feel responsibill , bc bigger than them
  4. prepare ...


  1. appropriate violence
  2. neutral demeanor... not happy ...focused.. not enraged..removed from loved ones
  3. tries to diminish violence., in various ways
  4. outnumbered, outgunned, very tough task


  1. he barely wins...
  2. big sacrifice , maybe broken
  3. lesson to be learned
  4. limited honor

before during after trends 1pm class


bad thing has happened--
Obstacles and Threats
How Hero overcomes--at first legally, reason...
hero mindset ... its justice not revenge, bigger than him


trapped, outnumbered, odds against him
alone in it...
out side world isn't really harmed...
obsession ...its a duty
big climax, some sense of mercy or understanding


all the conflicts come to alignment or conclusean--return to official order..
limited glory
some reunite wrap up
he sacrificed a lot ... broken..


  1. tragedy, hero impacted and responsible/guilty weak/bad guy lots of power
  2. tries official means/ negotiate
  3. justice is bigger than him
  4. call to action / practice and skills and time to go


  1. hero's psych state is vulnerable /
  2. feels like a job
  3. massive struggle/ out numbered
  4. lots of mayhem / death/ on both sides
  5. mercy, fairness, protect the innocent
  6. big climax / evil is confronted


  1. lessons are learned
  2. hero has sacrificed
  3. always win
  4. limited glory

Monday, July 3, 2017

Before/During/After theory

Indiana Jones shot first...

Ok, here is the compiled list of the 3 classes for your Before/During/After theory. This theory lays out the rules for the hero to follow when it comes to the hero doing violence. The idea is that for the audience to “enjoy” (or at least think it is ok) when then hero does violence, the hero needs to follow a lot of rules Before/During/After he or she is doing the violence.

(the list has some repetition…)


Threat has to be posed. Carried out.. Very bad..close family , child or spouse, kidnapped…
Something tragic has to happen...pretty bad--almost always by the bad guy 
ID the bad guy.. (lots of times the badness goes even deeper than the heros personal trajedy)
Hero gets blamed..
Manipulation of the hero
Hero faces an unscrupolous bad guy.,
Hero must save someone or something from some one or something
He must feel fear...not gonna be easy
plan , train, find allies
MUST try to solve things officilaly
Violence has to be the last resort.,
Official means must be exhausted
Must feel like justice, not revenge…
Stakes get bigger than personal
Our hero must feel inadequate…
Hero has some guilt
Cant seem like revenge...needs to be justice
Must be real effort to solve things officially..this will fail...
Must train.. Must get allies…
Badly suffer… physical …. Or psych
The hero must FEEL the big responsilblty
Abandon their ideology...or not...flirt with anti-hero…
Try to reason, use words… negotiate with the evil
Nothing left to lose...violence last resort.
Our hero must feel inadequate…
Hero has some guilt
Must be real effort to solve things officially..this will fail...
Some background...lack of guidance...maybe issues or problems
Try to talk it out
Some mutual respect...or at least the hero..
Lets the bad guy know…
Violence to come must be for greater good…
Build the character empathy


Self defense
Gets the beating first…
Finds stamina
Amost die
Memory plays a role… to guide them…
He becomes obsessed, bc the responsibliltuy is so great
It must like a duty… a job…Cant be fun
Often a tough choice to make..
No kids….Protect the innocent...No innocent die. Or we dont see it… No overkill..
Often shows mercy--that doesnt work.. .NOW we kill him
Often has a moment with the bad guy--tries to show him how to be better
No gloating , no braggin, no happiness. ..
Selfish … forced back into it…
Hero can not enjoy the violence--must feel like a a job... super difficult
Hero must fail...cant be too easy
Side kicks can die..
Must be outnumbered… bad odds, out gunned
Hero gets trapped,
Violence takes place not near citizens… cannot hurt the innocent..
Hero must show mercy…try to rehablititate the bad guy..Never sink as low as the villian
Try to use words
Dont care if they caught… no real risk of getting stopped doing the violence
Hero wants to do alone…
There is no other option… hero see this..
No over kill,,,No torture
Always big final struggle
Must be tricky...Good skill set.,,,,Out wit the bad guys
Throw out pride...main character is stubborn…at the end we allow the hero to change it up.


Lesson to be learned
The hero always “wins”
Sacrifirces…. Big time..
Gets the girl…or not
Spouse isnt upset…..
Public gratificaitoin…
Not caught after…
Limit to the accolades..Limitations on the rewards
Hero doesnt feel like hero...very broken
But sociey is repaired…..
They help out with  repairing the damage
The enemy is still out there
Sacrifice is huge….
They dont get honored,,
Or rewarded
They have more respect ….but not much else
Hero decides to embrace official ways…
Cliff hanger..even if bad guy dies, $$$... prospect of more violence
One liner… wrap up, encsapsulate,
Cops show up always too late…official people show up.
Violence  accomplihsed greater gooood .. but not the personal reward
Limited personal glory…
Limted celebration…
Sometimes reunion with loved ones
Cant die…
Official rule returns.
Rides off … done…
