Wednesday, July 31, 2013

How your Blog will be evaluated

For your Blog, you will be receiving three grades, which I will explain below. You have until August 8 to update and complete your blog. You will want to do ALL the post assignments.

  1. Content: I will look at length of your posts. One way to push length is to do Rule of 3. So, for example, you can offer 3 responses to the Passion movie. Be sure to use transitions to help guide us. I am also looking for how engaged and deep you get into your posts. Remember that a major goal of a Blog is to uncover and really bring to light what YOU think. For you to KNOW what you think, you need to consider and reflect in a serious maner. Finally, when it comes to content, I am looking for quotes/support to be integrated into your blog posts. (You will for sure need quotes/support to be integrated into your last paper, so you may as well also integrate them into your blog posts.)
  2. Grammar: You will really want to be careful about your punctuation, spelling, and grammar. Also I will be looking at the "shape" of your posts--your use of subtopics, transitions, etc.
  3. Pretty Stuff: This is an extra credit grade. In other words if you Don't customize your blog, you won't be docked for that. However, if you do take time to improve the look, style, add extras, customize the blog, etc., you will be given a grade for that.

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