Thursday, January 24, 2019

Thurs nite English 4 class... this is due next week...

Hey all,  so you first have some reading to do from this blog.

1, first pls read Rule of  3., 
After you read it, pls write up with 3 thoughts/responses that you have to the ideas in the post.

Pls read Features of a Typical Academic Paragraph. 
write a short para to answer this question: what is one thing that you already do?
write a short para to answer this question: what is one thing that is new to you?

3. We are starting on our "what cities do" unit... to get started:
Pls do research about cities (they can be outside the USA) that explores innovative ways that they support their local communities. This can include funding community groups, or collaborations with community groups, or any other thing cool. The topics can be Art, or Nature, or Gardens, or Children, or Recreation, or etc... the goal here is to find some cool innovative ways that cities can serve their citizens better.
Your assignment: find 2 cities, and type a few paragraphs summary of what each city does. 
Be sure to book mark your internet links, so we can return to them later if we need to . Try to be creative with your keyword searches, so that you get deeper than the first 5 Google hits.

bring your writing to class on Thurs  the 31st

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