If you cant make it, then you should plan to send me your draft over email by next Monday.
Meanwhile, below are some of the sources we have been looking at. Some of them are more focused on particular questions from the assignment.
1. this article talks about how community action has made a difference. good for Q3.
article in NYTimes
2. This grad school level video (when it comes to the concepts) offers some surprising perspectives about "helping" others. It is good for all the Q's.
Is Privilege Poverty
3. this is the vid we watched about communities taking more control over their money. Also, the website this is on is really good for pulling more quotes.
Short Vid on "Participatory Budgeting"
4. these 2 PDF reports go deep into bay area issues...good for Qs 1 and 2.
Urban issues in the bay
More Urban issues
5. This links to city of Hayward. You can check it out to get a sense of Q2 and Q3--how cities relate to their citizens
excellent link to "discover Hayward"
6. this is a link to the Story of Stuff video we watched a while back. It is of course about consumption, but it is also about making change. It can work with several of the questions, including the conclusion Q, #5. This page takes you to a number of their movies, including The Story of Change, which of course is what this paper is about.
Story of stuff links.