Friday, July 22, 2016

Essay #4---English 1A.... MY DREAM SCHOOL

For this final Essay assignment, you are going to dream. You are being asked to dream about creating a different vision for how a college might function. Below are some questions to consider. You do not need to answer all the questions, but it is REALLY important that you do RULE of 3 for each question. (All that really means is that for each question, you should try to come up with 3 separate concepts. Each concept should be developed inside its OWN paragraph.)

1. If you were going to design a school that did the best job of bringing the most out of its students, and uncovering and unleashing student passion, what might be some features of this educational setting?
2. What role might students play in the school?
3. Have you seen schools in the “real world’ that have the features you describe… if so where , and if not, Why do you think schools do NOT match up with your dream?
4. How might teachers be different?
5. How might students be different?
6. What role might Student Voice play in your dream school?
7. When a student graduates from your school, what would you want them to Be, or Feel, or Think, or Know?
8. What role might Nature play in the school?

You must integrate "Taking the Classroom outdoors" as well as quotes from all the different movies and videos I shared with you on Thursday. Of course you can also pull quotes from other sources

You must average a minimum of 1-2 short quotes per paragraph.  Quote length in a paper of this length should be no more than 1-2 lines. Remember that the video prompts you have watched are a great source of quote support.

The essay’s page minimum is 6 full pages…(BNDJTM…)

Paragraph topic sentences should start with concepts. Paragraph topic sentences should also feature KEYWORDS, which are taken from the questions/prompts that you have been exploring.

The paper is due Tuesday August 2nd.  First draft is due Wednesday  July 27. 
(Of course, before the "first draft" date, you will be bringing in and sharing paragraphs from your paper....)

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