Monday, August 4, 2014

#4 assignment for English 1A: Group Propsal for Project to be built for the Chabot Knowledge Garden

Hey there, 

You will be working together in small groups of 3 or 4 to come up with a proposal for something that will be created and built to be placed in the Knowledge Garden. You have a $200 budget, but you are encouraged as much as possible to use repurposed/reused/recycled materials. 

The proposal is due Monday, August 11 via email. Early in the Fall semester, the students in the Passion and Purpose classes will read through all the proposals and pick the 5 that they like the best. These 5 will then be built. You will want to treat this proposal as if you are actually a business trying to win the proposal. 

Each member of the team is responsible for writing up a part of the project. You should divide up the work and writing equally. You will likely need to do some research and investigating in order to fill out the details of your proposal. 

General Information: 

Name of your Group:
Who are the group members:
Name of your project:
Contact info (to notify you if your proposal is selected):
Would you be willing to help with the implementation of the proposal?
If so what particular relevant skills do you have?

Each proposal question below should be answered in detail. Please don’t just give a one word or one sentence answer.

  1. Please describe in detail, what exactly is your project?
  2. What makes your project innovative?
  3. What need is being filled by your project?
  4. How does your project fit in with or complement the existing garden/school house?
  5. Where in the garden do you imagine your project will be situated?
  6. Who is the audience for your project?
  7. How will people interact with your project?
  8. What materials will you need to do create your project? (Be specific about type of materials and quantity of each. It is important that you list ALL the materials it will take, including small things like screws/nails.)
  9. Do you have access to any of the materials that you need for your project?
  10. Do you have access to any community members who might want to take part in the project?
  11. What tools will it take to complete your project?
  12. What steps will it take to complete your project? Please be very specific here about this. We need detailed guidance about how to build your project.)
  13. What is your budget for your project? (Please be specific and detailed about what will need to be purchased, including small stuff like nails, etc.)
  14. Do you have drawings, pictures, or plans for your project? (It is strongly encouraged that you include them in your proposal.)
  15. Anything else you would like to add or say about your project?

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