Monday, September 23, 2013

Homework for Mon and Wed night 1A classes AND for M/W classes

Chabot wants to adapt and changes its policies and practices to focus more on you, the student. A huge part of that process revolves around understanding who our students are and where they come from. It is important to hear your story. Use the following questions to tell it. You will be soon creating your own blog, and this will be your first post on it. SO, you should be sure to save your writing in a word doc so you can easily post it into your blog (after you create the blog.)

(All the HW below is due by the next class: For the Monday night and for the M/W classes that means Mon, Sept 30. For the Wed. night class that mean, Wed, Oct 2nd.) 

1. Create your blog. Here is how: Google "blogger" and go to that page. Either sign in (if you have gmail account) or sign up to Gmail. After you are in Blogger, you will find a screen that says "create a new blog." Follow the guidelines on this screen to create your own blog!
After you have your blog, you will want to start creating  posts. There are 4 homework assignments below; they should each be their own posts.
ALSO, once you create your blog,  please email to me your blog address. It should look something like this:       email it to smcfarland (at)

Good luck with all this!!

2. How do you define success? (Try Rule of 3.) (post this to your blog!)

3. What helps you succeed in your community? What prevents your success?
You can use the following list to get started, but if an important part of your life is not represented here please incorporate it into your response.
1. Family
2. Religion/Culture
3. Crime
4. Hunger
5. Transportation
6. Personal
7. Money
(post this to your blog!)

4. Please Watch: "Surfacing With a Dream" ----Please address this question: Should community colleges support ESL students to reach their goals IF the goals dont seem to align with the mission of the community college. (For example: some students in the movie want to learn English to be able to talk to their child's school teacher. That is not really part of the mission of the typical college.)
(post this to your blog!)

5. After watching "The Passion Project," please write a response. Please "go deep" with your response. Here are 2 questions to consider: How does this movie speak to you? What role do you think passion should play in education, especially in the classroom?  Try to Rule of 3 these questions...and for sure you should quote from the movie as you write your post. The full transcript will help you do that.
(post this to your blog!)

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