Saturday, December 13, 2014

Final thoughts, and advice for 102

hey there, first off--remember that you need to turn in all 4 essays. If you are still working on a late essay, it will need to be in by Friday Dec. 19, along with paper #4.

Be sure to come to the final! We will be doing draft day. Pls print TWO copies of your paper to bring to class.
It is really important that you run your paper through the Write Lab software before Draft day. If you have problems doing this, pls email me and i will put you in contact with Eric.

As for paper #4, remember that you are expected to do the 3 Para intro--hook, book, cook.,

you are also expected to answer at least 4-5 questions. And you should do Rule of 3 for each question.  (that will give you 12-15 body paras...)

you must do page citations from Into the Wild in the essay. The goal is 2 quotes per para for most paras.

good luck with things!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Homework that is due Monday Dec 8 related to Into the Wild

hey there, first off, please note that the previous blog post has the essay #4 assignment. The morning class should note that there are a few small changes to the assignment. Please read the new assignment to see the changes.

as for the Homework---

first off a reminder of the homework that was due today, Wednesday. Please bring this on Monday:

1. Keep reading book, up to Ch 12.
2. answer the question from the essay assignment, "what does it mean to waste your life?" (do rule of 3)
3. Pick any other question from the essay assignment that you like. (do rule of 3)

that was the old HW....the NEW homework, due Monday:

1. Please finish reading the book.
2. pick 2 more questions of your choice and answer them. (do rule of 3)

doing all the HW above will result in you having 4 questions answered by monday. That is a GOOD place to be....bring all that writing in a hard copy on monday. we will be sharing out our writing....

here is the essay #4 assignment for INTO THE WILD

hey there,

below is the essay #4 assignment. The morning class should note that there are a few changes to the assignment from what i handed out on monday. So, you should read it over to see the changes.

here it is:

English 102—4th Formal Essay —McFarland—Fall—2014

For this essay you will be looking at Chris McCandless and our book Into The Wild in order to generate a discussion about Chris’ actions that he takes through the course of his short life. The following questions are intended to offer some guidance to you as you build your paper. You do not need to answer all of them. 4-5-6 questions will do. Remember that paragraph topic sentences should start with concepts—concepts that will be taken from your sophisticated and full answers to the questions.

You should do Rule of 3 for each of the questions. (Or at least 2.)

Why does it seem that Chris turns his back on his family?
Is Chris justified in doing this? Why or why not?
Is it ever justified to turn your back on your family? Why or why not?
Is there any value in disconnecting from family (and friends for that matter)?
What does Chris turn towards—that is, what becomes important to him?
Does it matter what you turn towards if you turn your back on family or friends?
What does it mean to “waaste your life”?
What role does time alone play in living a “good life.”
What does it mean to live a “good life”?
If you lead what you think is a good life, but other people are hurt by your choices, can you still say you have lead a good life?
What is your opinion of how Chris lived his life?

In order to support your points, you need to use the ideas found in the book, the movie, and in any other handouts, books, etc. that we have access to. You should see if Passion and Purpose movies can be integrated into the paper.
You must average a minimum of 1-2 short quotes per paragraph.
Quote length in a paper of this length should be no more than 1-2 lines. You need to cite the page number of the book when quoting from Into the Wild.
The essay’s page minimum is  6 full pages…(BNDJTM…)

Be careful that you don’t simply retell the novel. Use the episodes to SUPPORT the analytic points you want to make. Paragraph topic sentences should not start with plot types of phrases, but rather with concepts. Paragraph topic sentences should also feature KEYWORDS, which are taken from the essay assignment questions.

What are the Keywords/keyword phrases?

The paper is due on Friday December  19. You will be emailing it to me. Pls email it to BOTH of my  email addresses

First draft is due on the day of our final, which is________________________